Torah Commentary Archives

Re'eh (See)

Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17

Isaiah 54:11-55:5

1 Corinthians 5:9-13

1 John 4:1-6

See, Perceive, or Selah?

The title of this Torah portion is translated very simply with the word, “see.” This small simple word can be taken for granted by some, but let us do something different.

“Seeing,” for the vast majority of people, is the first thing we do every morning. We wake up, open our eyes to see, or depending on our optical ability, at least look at the images our eyes are allowing our brains to discern. Or said another way, we fumble around the nightstand until we find our glasses!

In Hebrew, the word for see is re'eh. Re'eh has the meaning of looking at something with our eyes, but that is not the context in how it's being used here. The Hebrew meaning is, “to perceive and consider something so as to bring forth discernment.” Let me expound with the following example.

Most of us wake up in the morning and walk (wobble!) to the bathroom to begin the daily routine of making ourselves presentable before leaving home. Many of us “see” in the mirror the proverbial bed-head-look with hair going every direction. As we make sense of the new style our pillow created, we might find a few gray hairs that certainly could not have been there the day before! Gasp!

How we handle these sneaky little gray hairs is what brings forth my point.

Will we make a mental note of the location of these sly little hairs to pluck them out, hide them with a new hairstyle, or run to the local Wal-Mart to grab a bottle of hair color?

Are these little gray hairs a frightful unwanted sight, or do they bring us to a place of introspection?

Do we just “see” the gray hair, or do we look deeper to evaluate the Scriptural meaning behind gray hair and how it's interpreted?

Do we perceive what is happening in our lives regarding our maturity and reflect on decisions we're making?

Well, according to Scripture, gray hair is a sign for us to ponder—but only if we've been learning the life-lessons Yah has been giving us, rather than traveling around the same mountain of mistakes. In short, are you and I gaining wisdom through maturity—or are we just going gray? Our answer is important, so let's not rush through the pondering process.

There is another word in Scripture which brings deeper meaning to my thoughts, the word selah. The word is found 71 times in Psalms, and 3 times in Habakkuk 3. Selah is defined as an obscure word which is a musical note. The true meaning, though, is found in its root which is about weighing balances. My favorite definition is: “To weigh a thought or action in light of eternity.”

Let's go back to the gray hair for a moment. When we begin to see them appear, how have we responded in the past? Did we just “look” at them, ignore them, cover them up? Or have we allowed them to help us perceive where we are in life regarding our actions, as well as the consequences we're producing for ourselves and others? If the former, would it not be healthier to permit them to be a message of “selah” in our lives to ponder our decisions in light of eternity? Welcome to tomorrow's mirror!

This Torah portion, as well as most of Deuteronomy, relates to how we will live our lives according to the mitzvot of Elohim. We have the opportunity to assess which mountain we will stand with—G'rizim or Eival, Blessing or Curse. Deuteronomy solidifies where HaShem has put His Name. Will we agree with Him, or will we try to insert His name onto the real estate we select? This important book evaluates how we treat what He has entrusted to us—especially our relationships with others. It includes what we do with our time, energy, and resources in observing His Feasts, as well as giving back a portion of what He has given us.

In light of personal reflection, the summarized questions being asked this week are:Are we just seeing the words, or are we discerning the spirit of the words?

Are we only looking in the dim light of today's walk, or are we perceiving in the bright light of our eternal walk?

On a final note, let us remember this important fact: we ARE able to make the choice to see, perceive, or selah because of His grace shown to us. Or said in the words of a friend, “Grace is not that He chooses us; but rather, grace is His giving us the power to choose Him.”
