Torah Commentary Archives

Shof'tim (Judges)

Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9

Isaiah 51:12-52:13

Matthew 5:38-42; 18:15-20

Acts 3:13-26; 7:35-53

Love What He Loves

With the above title in mind, let's ask the question: Just what does Yah love? For that matter, how can we determine what He loves?

Through the years, the answer to that question has deepened for me, as it hopefully has for you. In my Pentecostal days, I was told He does not like us to smoke, drink, chew, or go out with girls who do! I'm smiling and shaking my head as I reflect on those words, but not so much from humor, but more because my younger mind used to believe there was such great depth to them. Thank Yah for His patience in my immaturity!

Let's face it—none of us like being called immature. And yet, if we are not purposefully choosing to grow in Yah by daily allowing Him full reign to mature us (i.e., to bring forth His good, life-giving fruit in every area of our lives), then we are choosing to remain “immature.” Ouch!

What causes us to grow and mature—to develop a strong “immune system”—and consistently produce Ruach's fruit? Well, first we must know what He loves (nutritious, hardy, and delicious fruit), as well as what He hates (toxic, diseased, and bland fruit). Torah clearly shows us both.

For example, Yah loves for His people to get together during times of Feasts, Shabbats, and New Moons to focus on loving Him and each other—according to His definition of love, of course. Additionally, Torah reveals we are to be different in our appearance, appetites, attitudes, and of course, our authorities. We are to surrender to Him as our King, rather than looking to an earthly king like the Hebrews did. Or in today's culture—looking to ourselves as the final, ultimate authority.

What about the flip side? Are we faithful in hating what He hates—the bugs, diseases, and toxins in every area of our lives? If not, then we won't be able to mature as He designed, because our heart's “immune system” will constantly be compromised.

On my recent trip to Texas, I spent time with a man whom I met a year ago, but this year our relationship was taken to another level. Why? Because he is a man who makes me think. After my teaching on the Tabernacle, he expounded on Romans 12:2 which tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. He pointed out the word “transformed” is the same word regarding the transfiguration of Yeshua. If we look into the definition of the word, it tells us our minds are to be so radically changed, it is as if the Divine glory, which came into the Tabernacle in the wilderness, now indwells within our very mind.

So with that said, allow me to ask the question again in a bit more direct manner: Are we spending the same amount of time, energy, and resources in hating (removing and rejecting) what He hates, as we are in loving (nurturing and guarding) what He loves? Each of us might want to read that question, again. Slowly.

In Deuteronomy 17, we are told to put to death, by stoning, a man or woman found among us whose desire is to transgress His covenant. Now, I am not telling anyone to stone someone, but are we willing to show a divisive person the door, and if they refuse to cooperate, then help them leave? How about on another level? Do we put as much time, energy, and resources into eliminating what He hates from our homes, as we do in filling it with what He loves? What about our very lives—physically, mentally, emotionally, sexually, financially, relationally, and spiritually?

As we continue these last words of Deuteronomy, may our hearts and minds continue to be transfigured by His glory as we seek to love what He loves—and just as important—hate what He hates.