Torah Commentary Archives

Devarim “Words”

Deuteronomy 1:1–3:22

Isaiah 1:1–27

1Kings 16-18

John 15:1-11

Hebrews 3:7-4:11

A More Excellent Work

This week we begin the Book of Deuteronomy, which includes the final message of Moses to the people he has grown to love. Although they have given Moses many days of heartache through the forty year wilderness journey, in the end his love for them cannot be measured. I am not sure the Hebrews could grasp the depth of his love. Moses' calling is near completion as he stands, possibly with tears running down his cheeks, to give one last message to Israel. Moses completed the task he was called to. He delivered the people out of the bondage of Egypt and took them as far as he could go. Now he must turn the reins over to another chosen by HaShem. Joshua will take Israel the final steps home.  

As we continue through this last book of Torah we will learn that even Moses knows they will not remain in the Land. Sadly, forty years in the desert and the death of all those that were twenty and older, has not completely cleansed the community of the Egyptian mindset. The heart of Egypt was passed down to their children. Yes, their children will enter the Promise Land, but in the end they will not be allowed to remain. The physical deliverance from Egypt would not be enough to sustain them in the Land. A power far greater than Moses was needed to complete the inward work of true deliverance from the Egyptian culture for the Hebrews to be able to maintain the set apart lifestyle needed to abide in Israel.

I see this scenario of the Hebrews being lived out once again today. The “Hebrew Roots Movement” has repeated history in leading a type of physical deliverance as Moses did centuries ago. Hebraic Roots is empowering people with important knowledge to bring about a mighty exodus from paganism. It has been a deliverance involving mostly external choices. We no longer dress up as horror characters for candy, decorate trees or hide eggs. Our menu selection at the grocery store and restaurants has dramatically changed. Worship celebrations have Scriptural foundations tied to Biblical dates of observance. Many of us even look to the New Moon because we understand further the first verse of Genesis which tells us to see the moon as a sign. What I want to evaluate is whether our journey has just been physical. Have we truly made more progress in the crossing over than the Hebrews? Are we still standing on the wrong side of the river?  Have we opened our hearts to a deeper relationship with the Most High so that His Spirit can passionately flow through us to overflow onto others? Are we maintaining a solid relationship with our King that we forget life across the river? Will the bond be so tight to guard us from being expelled from the Land before we ever arrive?

What is the work that is needed in your heart today? Yah desires to dwell in the tabernacle of our hearts for transformation. He longs to not only bring us out of Egypt, but bring Egypt out of us! His goal is for deliverance and redemption that has the power to save to the uttermost instead of just getting us through another day.

How can this more perfect work happen? I do not believe it is through only more study of the “Letters of the Word.” We must allow the Letters to become Spirit and life in our lives. We must find the place of not just seeing the Torah of Moses, but seeing the person of Yeshua, His life, His power and His deliverance within each word. If we do not seek Him in Torah, we will do just as our ancestors have done and come up short.

Hopefully now you are moved to ask, “How this is done“? I only have partial answers for myself.  He is revealing to me what has to be done to make His Torah not only BE in me, but come ALIVE in me. Since true and total redemption is an individual matter, what He is showing me is personally directed to me. The work He desires to do in you is especially designed for the gifts and talents birthed in you. Does that seem like a cop-out on my part? No, it is more like work on your part! To loosely quote Paul, each person must work out their own complete redemption with fear and trembling. There is not a one size fits all plan here.

We have one more thing in common with our ancestors of old and that is an individual choice to walk across the river. It was an individual choice to stay in the land or be booted out due to disobedience. This same concept holds true for us today. The work I am speaking of is a choice, not one I can make for you, nor one you can make for me.

No, I do not hold all the answers to how this work will come about. What I can tell you is this. The words of Deuteronomy hold keys for each of us. Take the time during each week's reading to pray and ask for your keys to be revealed. Ask to see not just words for outward change and observance, but rather ask to see Messiah, the Author and Finisher of our redemption.