Torah Commentary Archives

Tazria “Conceived”

Leviticus 12:1–13:59; 14:1-15:33

2 Kings 7:3–20; Malachi:3:4-24

1Corinthians 6-11

Remaining Separate

Our Passover was a time of refreshing renewal for a new beginning with our King. It is was a good reminder of walking away from a life that was and walking into a new life of freedom and choice. Most have never equated the words freedom and choice together, but they go hand in hand. In a life of slavery and bondage, a person has no choices. It is only when he becomes free that choices come into play.  The choices one makes will in the end determine if that person remains free or returns to the life of slavery.

In ancient Israel it seems the Holy One made a way for those who were making the wrong choices to have a visible sign for all to see. The sign was called leprosy. The word we translate to leprosy has multiple meanings leading us to question its true meaning. We probably do not really understand what “leprosy” was in Scripture. Regardless, we do know this disease manifested itself in ways that a person was not able to hide. Leprosy was a visible sign to all that something was just not right in the person or in the home.  When the leprosy was revealed the person had a choice whether to go before the leaders and be examined or not.  If they chose the former, they were on the road to healing.  If they chose the latter they were on the road that would eventually lead out of the camp, out of fellowship in community.

Today we do not believe we are plagued with this disease in our modern world; or are we?  Maybe it has simply mutated into a different form we are not willing to recognize and deal with.

I personally believe Biblical leprosy is as alive today as it was in the time of Israel and in the time Paul was writing to the Corinthians, but it has now taken on a different form.

Today, I believe, we can see leprosy taking on a new form by manifesting through unruly children in the home and chronic sickness brought about by rebelling against what the Almighty is speaking to us in various areas such as bitterness, unforgiveness, jealousy, anger, fear, etc. Leprosy is revealing itself in many different ways right under our noses.  Maybe we just don't take the time to see it for what it is, for we know that when we do, we will have to deal with not only its cure, but also the spiritual root of its cause.

It may have been a bit easier for the Hebrews to spot leprosy in their day because the physical manifestation was not something a person could hide very long. Today however, we can come up with all kinds of names to mask the leprosy we deal with. We can take a pill or blame it on our parents, job or surroundings, but the fact is the leprosy of life is becoming harder and harder to hide.

I have the opportunity to talk with many people, in the US, as well as other nations. A common theme is arising in many of those conversations. People often tell me that HaShem seems to be looking deeper into their lives and is bringing new things to the surface for them to deal with. I can certainly agree with these statements, for He is doing the same thing in my own life. I see this as a time that the leprosy is being called just what it is. This is a time that the excuses are no longer being tolerated. We are being given a choice of which road we desire to walk, the road to restoration or the road that leads out of the camp.

We can all be thankful for these days of leprosy being revealed. This is one more sign that you may not see on the daily news, but nevertheless, it is a sure sign that His Kingdom is very near. Because His Kingdom is drawing near, the Almighty is allowing consequences to make leprosy evident. His desire is to make known through His Ruach the sin that brings separation from Him, not to shame or belittle us, but to set us free to be in relationship with Him. He wants us to not only become separate from the world's system, but also to remain separate from it. This is where choice comes into the equation.

Notice in the first of the Torah readings they describe an individual, but then about the house. There is a very clear message here. Yah first deals with us on a personal and individual basis, offering us an opportunity to repent and be cleansed from impurities. If we do not take Him up on His offer to do the work with Him, He will bring it forth into a more public arena. Why?

If you and I could ever understand the amazing love He has for us, we could begin to understand the answer to the above question. It is not His desire to embarrass us, but rather to force us to deal with issues which harm our relationship with Him and others.

As we read the Torah portion this week, let us not allow our eyes to glass over and and our minds to wonder, but rather as we read let us ask for His Ruach to give us and our homes a good examination, one which in the end will produce a clean bill of spiritual, emotional and physical health.