Torah Commentary Archives

Vayak'hel (He assembled) / P'kudei (Accounts)

Exodus 35:1-40:38

1Kings 7:13-26

2Corinthians 9:1-15

Hebrews 9:1-14

Revelation 11:1-13

They Had Done It!

The Golden calf is a part of the history of the Hebrews so it is time to move on, but only after a moment of pause to consider the wonders of the One we serve. He gives us the gift of repentance. This gift, to repent, put our sin in the past, have them washed away giving us the ability to move on is another one of those threads which runs through Scripture. The description of repentance is easy to read or even say, but how many of us have learned to truly live by the principle? Moshe ground the calf into a fine dust and sprinkled it into the water. The Hebrews had to drink it, causing the entire residue of the calf to be gone from their sight and lives. How many people do you know that instead of grinding the calves of their lives up and allowing the “calf dust” to be washed away, choose to put the dust in a nice urn on their mantle? Periodically they take the "calf" down to pet it. While gazing at it they envision the past. In the end the calf becomes a trophy of past failures, an anchor to their history of mistakes. Is one of those people you know, the one who looks back in your mirror every morning?

The Hebrews moved on, let's do the same. They now put their energy completely into the building of the Tabernacle, the place for Yah to dwell in their midst. It begins with another call for an offering. This time for the right purpose. In verses 10-19 there is a summary of the instructions, which began back in Chapter 25. Notice that in English the verses are one sentence. Now I have been rightly accused of run on sentences at times, but this is ridiculous. What is the message? The Tabernacle and the garments of the Cohen are not to be looked at as separate parts of a whole, but rather as a single item with a single message. In Hebrew the word is echad. The Tabernacle is to teach us that He is one, that we are one in Him and we are to be one with each other. This simple foundational message is the basis of Hebraic thought, but one the Greek mindset fights to destroy.

An offering is received. This is the famous offering where the people gave so much that Moshe had to tell them to quit giving. How many of us have heard offering messages based on this story of giving by the people, who were saying the “Old Testament” was done away with? In my experience I have found people more than willing to give the same way today when the opportunity is for a worthy and righteous cause!

At the end of Chapter 39 are favorite words of mine, “..there it was, they had done it!" Not only had the children of Israel done it, but done it exactly the way HaShem had told them to. Have you ever noticed that the successes of the children of Israel are not focused on much? People often talk about the grumbling, complaining, lack of faith, golden calf, ten spies and the list goes on. Here is a great moment that needs recognition. Congratulations, GO HEBREWS! Way to go guys!! Let us consider dwelling more on Israel's accomplishments than failures. What we meditate on often comes to pass. May our thoughts dwell in the affirmative to bring life to our lives and others.

Moshe has to be so proud as he stands and looks upon what the people had accomplished because they had learned to work together for the right purpose. The verse records that he blessed them. Many believe this blessing will be recorded later as Psalm 90.

Moshe will not be the only one who is proud of the people. In Exodus 40:34, Yah decides He is going to give His own blessing to the people for their obedience and desire toward Him. His blessing is none other than His presence in their midst!

Here is a question to ponder. Where is His presence in this walk of Torah we are on today? Are we experiencing His presence at even a fraction of how the Hebrews experienced it? If not, why not?

Years ago I heard a Messianic teacher say, “If the pattern is right, the glory will fall.” This statement has been a part of me from that day to now. I could write for days on those words, but for now I am going to leave them with you for some Shabbat meditation and prayer, but changing just one word, “When the pattern is right, the glory will fall.”

May our desire be His pattern, not ours!